Powell Law Firm
7750 Clayton Road Suite 102 Saint Louis, Missouri 63117
Sun-Sat 24/7
Can I Sue For a Dog Bite in Missouri?
There is a strict no-bite rule in Missouri, which means that dog owners are liable for any medical expenses or pain and suffering their dog causes. Dog bite lawyers from Powell Law can help you to alleviate the financial strain that a dog attack causes.
First Things First
The first thing you need to do in a dog bite is to seek medical attention. It is best to treat the dog bite injury first before speaking to a dog bite attorney who can help you with your case.
The victims of dog bites might even claim emotional distress for fear of rabies. This could mean future medical bills for the St Louis dog bite victim.
If the dog owner owns a house, the insurance company they use should cover your doctor's bills.

How Do I Handle The Situation After The Dog Attack In St. Louis
Although your first response is to get to safety, it would be a good idea to give St Louis animal control a call. It can help secure the animal if the owner cannot be found and record details of the event to give lawyers a more well-rounded statement.
Neck & Back InjuriesIn an accident, the pressure that is applied to the body might result in severe whiplash and spine or back fractures. This may necessitate the use of a neck brace for a period of time, but it can also lead to long-term pain, chronic problems, or partial to total paralysis.
Internal Injuries & Broken BonesIn any form of incident, broken bones are among the most common injuries. When bones take the impact of a collision, are hit with another item, or are twisted in a crash, they can break or fracture.
Spinal Cord InjuriesThe spinal cord is responsible for transmitting information from the brain to other body functions. Partial or complete paralysis can result from a breakdown in this connection.
Traumatic Brain InjuriesA severe brain injury might have an irreversible effect on one's life quality. It may also have a significant impact on a person's personality as well as their capacity to control body functions.
Burn InjuriesSkin grafting, acute care at a burn center, and reconstructive surgery are typically required for severe burn injuries. You may also require substantial rehabilitation, which may include job training in some situations.
Animal BitesAnimals provide comfort and protection; however, when they attack, catastrophic injuries can result. Dog owners are accountable for their pets' behavior as well as any harm they may cause.
ElectrocutionThe nerves, heart, and brain can all be affected by electric shock. It can potentially result in severe burns, if not death. When manufacturers, building owners, or power companies fail to follow safety requirements, electrical mishaps can occur.
Wrongful DeathThe loss of a loved one in a deadly accident is one of the most difficult things someone can go through. The objective of a wrongful death claim, unlike a criminal charge (as per the law), is to compensate the family of the fatally injured victim for any losses.

Can You Sue Someone For Attacking Your Dog?
The law states that a dog is an individual's private property, and with that being said, yes, you can sue someone for attacking your dog. If your dog sustains injuries from another person, you have the right to report the incident.
Although dog injuries like this only occur on rare occasions, they do end up happening. You are not always prepared for the unexpected things as a dog owner. People can attack your pet while the pet is innocently mind their business on your own property.
It's good to know your rights and where you stand in the event of someone attacking your dog. Your dog may require medical attention, and for this, the suspect is held liable for compensation.
What Kind Of Compensation Could I Get for My Injuries?
The severity of your injuries determines the various compensation options available. Many things get added together to see what kind of compensation you need.
Dog bite cases can be tricky to navigate, a Saint Louis dog bite lawyer makes it easier. Our legal professionals will guide you through all the necessary steps to file for compensation.
Payment arrangements for injury are decided by a judge and must be abided by; otherwise, further legal action could be taken. Make sure that you have all your ducks in a row before the consultation, and this is going to increase the speed that your case gets processed.
Choose a Saint Louis Dog Bite Lawyer You Can Count On
One of our dog bite attorneys can help you if you are bitten by a dog and seeking legal advice with regards to compensation.
Our company has been around for many years, and we pride ourselves on legal representation. The professionalism that you are going to experience is second to none, and we help you to resolve any issues.
What We Do
We are a law firm that deals with many areas of personal injury, including dog bites. Call us today to find out how we can help you. What's great about our firm is that we won't charge you any fees if we cannot recover any compensation for you.
The Process
Your situation is first accessed under the strict liability law in Saint Louis. Then a qualified lawyer aids you in bringing your case to court or settling to get the maximum settlement possible. The extent of the attack determines what you can fight for.
Personal Injury Practice Areas
Over 5 million Americans are bitten by dogs every year. A dog bite can be a cause for concern as it can lead to personal injury. If you are in this kind of situation, never provoke the dog as that is going to make the situation worse.
​The elderly and young children are often hospitalized due to St. Louis dog bite injuries. Dog bites can vary in severity and can cause a lot of pain and suffering. In these types of cases, you should choose a St. Louis, MO lawyer who specializes in dog bite injury like Powell Law. We can help protect you and fight for your rights.
Is It Worth Suing For A Dog Bite?
Each situation is different, and you need to consider that when planning to sue for a dog bite. Whether the dog bite injury sustained is major or minor, you can try to get compensation through a dog bite lawyer. We offer a free consultation, so it's very easy to do.
Neck & Back InjuriesIn an accident, the pressure that is applied to the body might result in severe whiplash and spine or back fractures. This may necessitate the use of a neck brace for a period of time, but it can also lead to long-term pain, chronic problems, or partial to total paralysis.
Internal Injuries & Broken BonesIn any form of incident, broken bones are among the most common injuries. When bones take the impact of a collision, are hit with another item, or are twisted in a crash, they can break or fracture.
Spinal Cord InjuriesThe spinal cord is responsible for transmitting information from the brain to other body functions. Partial or complete paralysis can result from a breakdown in this connection.
Traumatic Brain InjuriesA severe brain injury might have an irreversible effect on one's life quality. It may also have a significant impact on a person's personality as well as their capacity to control body functions.
Burn InjuriesSkin grafting, acute care at a burn center, and reconstructive surgery are typically required for severe burn injuries. You may also require substantial rehabilitation, which may include job training in some situations.
Animal BitesAnimals provide comfort and protection; however, when they attack, catastrophic injuries can result. Dog owners are accountable for their pets' behavior as well as any harm they may cause.
ElectrocutionThe nerves, heart, and brain can all be affected by electric shock. It can potentially result in severe burns, if not death. When manufacturers, building owners, or power companies fail to follow safety requirements, electrical mishaps can occur.
Wrongful DeathThe loss of a loved one in a deadly accident is one of the most difficult things someone can go through. The objective of a wrongful death claim, unlike a criminal charge (as per the law), is to compensate the family of the fatally injured victim for any losses.
Know Your Rights As A Dog Owner
Dog owners need to know their rights when it comes to dog attacks that are unlawfully challenged. If the dog owner's proof outweighs the victim's claim, then you are looking at the case getting thrown out.
Let's say, for example, somebody trespasses on your property, and a dog bite might be dismissed if there is evidence that the person illegally entered the home. The dog owner has all the right to stand up for his property and pet. Our law firm can provide you with a free consultation to help better your situation.
If the suspect has caused any damage to your property or animal, you may be entitled to compensation.
Injuries of all kinds can be avoided if we look after our dogs. We love dogs in Missouri, but if we receive injuries from an attack, we need to take action.
The Powell Law Firm is nothing short of excellence and quality. In fact they go beyond that, if you're looking for quality, efficiency, and excellence you've come to the right place.
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