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  • Writer's pictureKenneth Powell

Who's at Fault in Jackknife Accidents in Missouri?

Jackknife truck accidents are a serious problem in Missouri, causing significant injuries and deaths to innocent victims.

These accidents occur when a commercial truck swings out at an angle of more than 90 degrees from the cab, creating an extremely dangerous situation for multiple vehicles on the road.

This article will examine the various factors contributing to truck accidents in Missouri and explore who's at fault in jackknife accidents in Missouri.

By understanding the causes and consequences of jackknife rollover accidents, the state can work towards reducing the number of these incidents and ensuring that victims receive fair compensation for their injuries.

Causes of Jackknife Truck Accidents

Causes of Jackknife Truck Accidents

Jackknife accidents are a serious problem on Missouri roads, and understanding the causes of these incidents is crucial in preventing them from happening.

There are several factors that can contribute to a truck accident, including:

Mechanical Failure

Mechanical failure can be a significant contributor to truck accidents. Worn brakes, tire blowouts, and steering problems can all lead to a loss of control and a jackknife crash.

These issues can be caused by neglect or poor maintenance on the part of the trucking company, or a manufacturing defect can cause them.

Driver Error

Driver error is another major cause of jackknife accidents. Truck drivers are responsible for maintaining control of their vehicles and driving safely.

However, some drivers may engage in risky behaviors such as speeding, distracted driving, or failing to assess road conditions properly. These actions can put the driver and other drivers at risk of a jackknife accident.

Improper Loading of Cargo

Improper loading of cargo can also contribute to jackknife accidents. If a truck's load is not correctly balanced, it can cause an imbalance on the trailer, leading to a truck accident.

This can be caused by the driver's mistake or the trucking company's failure to load the cargo properly.

Role of Truck Drivers in a Jackknife Accident

Truck drivers play a crucial role in preventing jackknife accidents from occurring on Missouri roads.

They are responsible for maintaining control of their vehicles and driving safely to protect themselves, other drivers, and passengers.

However, in some truck accident cases, the driver can be negligent in their responsibilities, contributing to jackknife accidents. Their primary responsibilities are:

To Maintain Control of the Vehicle

One of the primary responsibilities of a truck driver is to maintain control of their vehicle at all times. This includes driving at safe speeds, keeping a safe following distance, and properly assessing road conditions. Neglecting these responsibilities can lead to losing control and a truck accident.

Must Be Alert and Attentive

The truck driver is also responsible for being alert and attentive while driving. Distracted driving, such as using a cell phone or eating while driving, can lead to a jackknife accident.

Drivers should also be aware of their fatigue levels and take necessary breaks to prevent accidents caused by drowsy driving.

Properly Load the Cargo

Truck drivers are also responsible for properly loading and securing cargo on their trucks. Improperly loaded cargo can cause an imbalance on the trailer, leading to a truck accident.

Drivers must be aware of the weight and balance of the cargo, and they should report any issues to the trucking company.

Role of Trucking Companies in Jackknife Accidents

Trucking companies play a significant role in preventing catastrophic trucking accidents from occurring.

They have a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that their trucks are well-maintained and operated safely on the road.

However, sometimes trucking firms can be negligent in their duties, leading to truck crashes. These companies have three main responsibilities, including:

Properly Maintain Their Trucks and Train Their Drivers

One of the primary responsibilities of trucking firms is to ensure that their trucks are properly maintained.

This includes regular inspections, repairs, and replacements of worn or damaged parts. Neglecting this responsibility can lead to mechanical failures that can cause a commercial truck accident.

Additionally, trucking companies are responsible for ensuring that their drivers are properly trained and licensed. They should also have a system in place to monitor their drivers' performance and address any issues that arise.

Correctly Load and Secure the Cargo

Trucking firms are also responsible for properly loading and securing cargo on their trucks. Improperly loaded cargo can cause an imbalance on the trailer, leading to a jackknife accident.

Maintain Accurate Records

Finally, trucking firms are also responsible for maintaining accurate records of their trucks' maintenance and operation.

This includes logbooks, inspection records, and accident reports. This information can be used to determine fault in a jackknife accident and identify patterns of negligence.

Role of Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyers in Missouri

Role of Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyers in Missouri

When a jackknife accident occurs, the victims and their families may suffer significant injuries and financial losses.

In such cases, the help of a qualified jackknife truck accident lawyer can be essential in seeking full and fair compensation for serious injuries. An attorney can help with the following:

Navigating the Legal Process

A jackknife truck accident lawyer in Missouri is experienced in handling personal injury and wrongful death claims arising from these types of accidents.

Moreover, a St. Louis truck accident attorney can help truck accident victims, and their families navigate the legal process, investigate the accident to determine fault, and gather evidence to support their claims.

Furthermore, they will also represent their clients in negotiations with the insurance company and in court, if necessary, to ensure they receive the compensation they deserve. The Powell Law Firm attorneys can also answer questions such as, "Who's at fault in Rollover Accidents in Missouri?" and "Who's at fault in Wide Turn Accidents in Missouri?"

Fight for the Victim's Legal Rights and Options

One of the primary responsibilities of a jackknife truck accident lawyer is to help their clients understand their legal rights and options.

They can advise clients on the best course of action, whether settling out of court or taking their case to trial. Moreover, they will also work to ensure that clients receive the medical care and financial support they need after an accident.

Hold Negligent Parties Accountable

In addition to helping victims and their families, jackknife truck accident lawyers also play a critical role in holding negligent parties accountable for their actions.

By pursuing legal action against trucking firms, insurance companies, and other parties responsible for an accident, they can help create a safer environment for all Missouri drivers.


Jackknife truck accidents are a serious problem in Missouri, and understanding the causes, who is at fault, and how to prevent them is crucial.

The help of a qualified jackknife truck accident lawyer can be essential to seek compensation for the victims and their families.

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