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Writer's pictureKenneth Powell

What Are the Most Common Injuries in a Truck Accident?

Truck accidents are among the most devastating ones in the country. They lead to serious injuries for everyone involved. These vehicles have an outstanding weight, which is a contributing factor to catastrophic injuries after a crash.

Victims can experience a wide range of truck accident injuries, from internal to external ones. Understanding what makes each one unique will help when building a personal injury case with an experienced truck accident attorney.

This page covers the most common injuries in a truck accident. It also evaluates what victims can do after getting involved in a truck crash. Powell Law Firm can also discuss common injuries in a car accident.

Common Truck Accident Injuries to Watch Out for

Common Truck Accident Injuries to Watch Out for

Truck drivers (and everyone else around them) are exposed to serious risks while they're on the road. Not paying attention for even a second can lead to a serious injury that threatens their lives.

Some people can get "lucky" and escape the crash with minor injuries only. Others, however, can expose themselves to death. It depends on the circumstances surrounding the accident.

Here are the most common truck accident injuries to watch out for:

Spinal Cord Injuries

These are among the most severe injuries a person can experience after a truck or car accident. A spinal cord injury happens when there's a sudden cut or blow to the spine.

Considering the weight of trucks, it's no surprise that the spine is exposed to many risks during a crash. When a person's spinal cord is hit, the injury can cause loss of sensation, function, or strength in certain body areas. Depending on the case, a victim could experience temporal or permanent paralysis.

The type of paralysis, on the other hand, depends on where the person got hit. People who get hit in the neck, for example, could experience quadriplegia, which is when they get paralysis in their four limbs. Those who get hit in their middle back, however, may only get leg paralysis.

Regardless of the case, most of these injuries are severe and devastating. They can lead to several problems for the victims that will last for a long time, not to mention the expensive treatment and rehabilitation costs.

Head Injuries

Head injuries in a truck accident are common when the person collides head-on with the truck. Victims may get different types of injuries depending on how they got hit, including concussions, skull fractures, or contusions.

Even if the person didn't get any noticeable damage to their head after a truck accident, they should seek medical attention to rule out any possible problems. Some injuries don't appear after a few hours or days have passed.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

TBIs are among the most devastating types of head injuries. They happen when the person gets damage to their brain because of an external force (in this case, the truck).

Traumatic brain injuries are among the most common causes of disability and death in adults. In some cases, the injury could be mild, with the symptoms going away over time. Other scenarios involve permanent damage.

A TBI can lead to cognitive deficits, such as confusion, shortened attention spans, memory problems, judgment problems, and more symptoms. It can also cause the victim to get:

  • Motor deficits

  • Communication deficits

  • Perceptual deficits

  • Functional deficits

  • Regulatory problems

  • Social difficulties

  • Psychiatric changes

Back and Neck Injuries

Back injuries involve a range of problems that a person can go through after a truck accident. A troublesome back problem, for example, is a spinal cord injury. Other common injuries include herniated discs, sprains, and strains.

Both the truck driver and the person they hit can experience these back injuries, although the latter may be more exposed due to the weight and size of the vehicles.

A mild truck accident injury will only affect the victim for a while, and they should be fine within a short recovery period. However, serious injuries may lead to chronic pain, impairment, and other problems that will require complex treatments.

Neck injuries, on the other hand, can affect the area's muscles, joints, and ligaments. One of the most common injuries a person can experience after a truck accident is whiplash. It happens when the crash makes the person's head jolt backward and forward. Whiplash isn't usually life-threatening, so the victim should heal without complications.

Severe neck injuries, however, may require extensive treatment. Victims must seek immediate medical help if they believe they experienced whiplash or an associated disorder.

Broken Bones

Broken bones are common due to the nature of trucks. A person can easily break their ribs, arms, legs, and other parts of their body. People can break their bones when the impact force after an accident is overwhelming for the body.

In some cases, the broken bone may heal within a few months. The person would have to get a cast to make the healing process much easier on them. Those with severe fractures, however, may have to undergo surgery to fix specific problems.

Broken bones can be extremely painful for the victim, which is why it's crucial to seek help as soon as possible.


Although burns aren't as common as other types of injuries, they can happen. Burns often occur because of ruptured fuel tanks. When this happens, the fire after a crash can engulf all the vehicles involved in the accident, affecting every driver.

Victims can get different burn degrees depending on how long they were exposed. They must seek medical attention immediately to prevent the injury from getting worse or untreatable. In some cases, the victim may have to undergo reconstructive surgery to prevent disfigurement.

Lacerations and Cuts

They technically fall under the category of "minor injuries," but they can become problematic (and fatal) in some scenarios. A person can get lacerations/cuts because of broken objects in the vehicles, such as glass shards, sharp metal, or others.

Lacerations and cuts become fatal when they are deep enough that they can cause internal injuries. Massive bleeding, for example, can ultimately lead to a person's death.

Even if the cut doesn't seem serious or life-threatening, victims should seek medical help to address any potential risks. Open cuts and lacerations can still get infected, and that can lead to life-threatening consequences.

Rib and Torso Injuries

A person's rib cage protects plenty of vital organs, so damage to the torso can become problematic for them. Even a slight hit to the rib cage can lead to life-threatening problems like a punctured lung, so victims must seek help right away to avoid risking their health further.

Seat Belt Injuries

Although seat belts are on vehicles to protect people in case of a crash, a severe accident can still cause injuries. With enough force, a person can experience a serious case of whiplash.

Wrongful Death

In the worst-case scenario, a truck accident can lead to a person's death. It's unfortunate, but these accidents are more likely to kill a person compared to others because of the size and weight of the vehicle.

If someone were to lose a loved one because of another person's negligence, they should talk to a truck accident attorney in St Louis to evaluate their options.

What Are Common Causes of Truck Accidents?

There are many factors leading to truck accidents in Missouri. Three of the most common ones include:

  • Fatigue: It happens when the truck driver has worked for too many hours, making them more likely to fall asleep while they're on the road. This exposes drivers of passenger vehicles to accidents.

  • Distracted Driving: Distracted driving happens when people on the road aren't paying attention, exposing themselves (and everyone else) to dangerous situations.

  • Driving Under the Influence: Some drivers use drugs to keep them stimulated while driving. These drugs can impair judgment, leading to a higher risk of accidents.

What Can a Person Do to Avoid Getting into a Crash?

What Can a Person Do to Avoid Getting into a Crash?

The best way to avoid a truck accident is to stay away from trucks as much as possible. Some tips involve avoiding a truck's blind spots, keeping a safe distance from the vehicle, and driving cautiously.

People should always avoid distractions as much as possible. While they can control their driving decisions, they don't know what the other person will do. They must be aware of what's around them so that they can make quick decisions to avoid getting into an accident, especially those involving trucks.

Should Victims Seek Legal Help After Experiencing a Truck Accident?

Seeking legal help can give victims more options when building a personal injury case. It's likely that they will have to pay a lot of money for medical bills, lost wages, and other financial concerns. As the bills pile up, the stress will get even more overwhelming.

An attorney can help the victim deal with the complex part of building a case, including gathering evidence, talking to witnesses, and negotiating with insurance companies. This ensures that the victim can focus on their recovery while the legal professional handles the rest.

Hiring a professional attorney ensures the victim gets peace of mind during these troubling times. They can also discuss common injuries in a motorcycle accident.

Bottom Line

Truck accidents are devastating, no matter the type of injury the person experiences. Even a slight crash can cause the victim to pay thousands of dollars in medical bills for something that wasn't even their fault.

The Powell Law Firm is here to help those in St. Louis seek justice after truck accidents and other kinds of events. Whether the injuries involve minor cuts or severe spinal cord concerns, this legal team is ready to help victims build a solid case that earns them the compensation they deserve.

Those interested in learning more about their legal options can schedule a free consultation today.


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