While motor vehicle accidents can be terrifying, according to the National Safety Council, motorcycle riders are more likely to suffer serious injuries. In fact, motorbikes represented only 3% of all registered vehicles in the United States but counted for 14.6% of the fatalities and 3.5% of all injuries in 2022.
From upper extremity injuries to road rash, internal bleeding, organ damage, and more, motorcycle accidents can lead to a wide range of injuries. They're far more severe than car crashes, as motorbikes are not enclosed vehicles, and the aftermath can financially cripple the victims, making it essential to pursue legal action.
Powell Law Firm has experienced and skilled personal injury lawyers who are committed to helping the affected parties in St. Louis, Missouri. If you've suffered a serious injury in a motorcycle accident, don't hesitate to contact us, as you may be eligible for compensatory damages. These lawyers can also share information about common injuries in a truck accident.

Common Injuries in a Motorcycle Accident
From head injuries to lacerations, bruises, cuts, and burns, here are the most common motorcycle injuries in the United States:
Road Rash
Since motorcycles are incredibly lightweight and don't offer much protection to the riders, the impact of a collision can cause the operator to fall from the motorbike and scrape themselves on the tarmac or road. While skin abrasions may seem like a minor injury, they require immediate medical attention, as complications, including infections or nerve damage, may arise.
Fractures and Broken Bones
A motorcycle colliding with a car or any other vehicle can lead to fractures or even broken bones. Femurs, forearms, shins, and pelvis bones are at a higher risk.
While minor collisions can lead to lacerations and cuts, major accidents can lead to compounded fractures, requiring surgical intervention to improve the victim's quality of life.
Foot and Leg Injuries
Motorcycle accident injuries often involve damage to the feet and ankles. When a collision occurs, the impact can cause the rider to eject from their seat and hit the floor, but before they do, their feet may touch the ground first, resulting in broken legs or toes.
Head and Neck Injuries
Several studies, including a 2006 "Injury Patterns and Severity Among Hospitalized Motorcyclists" research, suggest that motorcycles with larger engines are more likely to result in head or neck injuries. This is because the riders are prone to speeding and may not be wearing helmets.
Some of the most common head injuries after a motorcycle accident include the following:
Brain swelling
If not treated properly, a head injury can have a devastating impact on the motorcycle accident victim. It can lead to complications, leaving the injured motorist with a permanent impairment. Powell Law Firm can also advise on common injuries in a bicycle accident.
Motorcycle accident victims should look out for the following symptoms of head injuries:
Nausea and vomiting
Difficulty in talking or understanding
Dilated pupils
Loss of coordination
Spinal Injuries
Spinal damage is one of the most common motorcycle accident injuries. Since the spine is completely exposed, a high-speed crash can shake it up or even cause serious cracks, leading to various forms of paralysis, including quadriplegia.
Besides loss of movement, spinal injuries can also result in respiratory problems, incontinence, and sexual dysfunction in motorcycle accident victims. These types of injuries require hospitalization, lengthy therapy sessions, and constant medical attention to improve the affected party's prognosis.
Even after medical treatment, some victims may never return to normal. They may also be unable to work, adversely impacting their financial situation. This makes it incredibly important to seek legal representation to recover compensatory damages.
Abdominal Injuries
Some studies show that older riders are more prone to abdominal injuries in motorcycle crashes. The impact around the chest or rib cage area can lead to lung lacerations and internal organ damage. Those suffering from underlying medical conditions have the lowest survival rates, as they may experience complications.
Abdominal injuries are often difficult to determine without proper imaging tests. Internal bleeding or organ damage may go unnoticed after a motorcycle crash, which is why it's crucial to head to a hospital for a complete medical examination.
Hand and Arm Injuries
Hand and arm injuries are the most common motorcycle accident injuries, as when a crash causes a rider to eject from their seat, they instinctively move their arms around to protect themselves. However, their hands may absorb most of the impact once they land on the road.
A motorcycle crash can lead to broken hands, wrists, or even arms. Nerve damage may also follow after the tragic incident. In some cases, the victim may lose movement in their limbs.
Traumatic Brain Injuries
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the primary cause of death in motorcycle accidents. These types of injuries are the most severe, as depending on the force of impact, they can lead to partial or total disability and even a vegetative state.
While living with a traumatic brain injury can be difficult for the victim, it can also have an impact on their family members. The affected party may require assistance to carry out their normal day-to-day activities and emotional support to help them overcome their condition mentally.
Muscle Injuries
Motorcycle accidents involving riders without protective gear may lead to muscle injuries. The exposed skin coming into contact with the dirty road or tarmac can cause muscle tears and soreness, increasing the risk of infections and other complications.
When a motorcycle crash turns into a fire hazard, flames may engulf the vehicle and its surroundings, causing intense heat and smoke. If the motorcyclist fails to move to a safe area, this may lead to burn injuries. Depending on the severity of the burns, the victim may require skin grafts or surgical intervention.
Burn injuries are challenging to live with. While some injured motorcyclists may require a greater recovery period, others may never return to normal.
Facial Injuries and Disfigurement
Facial injuries refer to the damage caused to the motorcycle accident victim's face, including nose, teeth, cheeks, and chin, among other features. On the other hand, disfigurement may occur from the scarring and bruising associated with the crash.
While facial injuries are the most common motorcycle accident outcome, damage to the nerves can lead to radiating pain in the jaw, ears, and arms. Treatment may involve antibiotics, antiseptic dressings, and pain-relief medications. For more information, hire a motorcycle accident lawyer in St Louis may be able to help.

Avoid the Aftermath of a Motorcycle Accident with Powell Law Firm!
A motorcycle accident injury may require intensive treatment, medical care, and rehabilitation to ensure recovery. Sometimes, the victim may never heal completely, resulting in complications. This can lead to a huge financial burden on the affected party and their family members.
Fortunately, you don't have to worry about that with Powell Law Firm. Our experienced personal injury attorneys won't let the negligent party hurt you financially. Call us for a free consultation to learn more about your rights and legal options!