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  • Writer's pictureKenneth Powell

Is It Illegal to Abandon a Car?

After seeing an abandoned vehicle on their neighborhood's crowded streets, people may wonder: is it illegal to abandon a car?

The answer is yes. Abandoning a motor vehicle is unlawful in most states, whether it is left on private property, highways, or public roads.

When Is a Car Considered Abandoned?

When Is a Car Considered Abandoned?

Establishing when a vehicle has been abandoned can be difficult. Therefore, some states have established guidelines or presumptions to determine the car's status.

Under the first presumption, any motor vehicle that remains along a public road, highway, or private property without the owner's consent for more than 48 hours is considered abandoned.

In the second presumption, cars left for any period have been abandoned if they do not have any type of valid plates.

Anyone can call the authorities, seek legal action, or hire an attorney to address the case if these conditions are met. However, you have to establish the reason first.

How Can Abandoned Cars Affect People?

Very few people think about abandoning their cars. Therefore, many may question why others' actions may affect them.

The truth is that abandoned vehicles can harm the quality of the local environment and even the lives of residents, regardless of whether it is left on a public road or on private property.

Overall, abandoned cars can:

  • Attract litter and make the neighborhood ugly

  • Be the result of a crime

  • Poses explosion and injury risks

  • Become the means to commit a crime

Leaving a vehicle parked on city streets or in front of someone else's apartment for too long is not only an unsightly and unflattering sight, but it's also likely to violate local law.

Understanding Local Laws About Abandoned Vehicles

People who have been affected in one way or another by abandoned cars should take a few steps before taking legal action. The first is to check the local regulations regarding vehicle parking.

Almost all US cities have strict regulations on how long vehicles can spend parked on the streets, even if they are broken down.

After learning about the ordinances, people should try to verify who owns the vehicle. If it belongs to a neighbor or local business operator, the next steps may be a little different.

At this point, those affected can talk to the owner to try to settle the situation. However, if the problem is not resolved and the abandoned vehicle continues to take up valuable space in a public parking lot or in front of someone else's house, people can contact an attorney and take legal action.

What Is the Police's Role in These Cases?

Local police officers must respond to reports of abandoned cars and tow them away or take legal action if they have been there for too long.

However, the process of obtaining police support can be tedious and time-consuming. Individuals filing a police report should first contact officers, describe the vehicle, give its license plate information if available, and detail the exact location.

After that, the police will check to see if the car has been reported stolen and put up a warning sticker to let the owner know that they have a time limit to move their vehicle. It is usually only 24 hours.

If the deadline expires and the vehicle has not been moved, the police can confiscate it, drive it away, or dispose of it.

What a Lawyer Can Do for Affected People

Although the process may take time, the police usually handle these cases. However, those affected sometimes need help from an experienced attorney if the situation turns out to be more complicated than it seems.

In some cases, the abandoned vehicle belongs to a neighbor who refuses to move it. Occasionally, residents renting a house or apartment leave inoperable cars in public parking lots or garages before leaving.

If a similar scenario occurs, affected people need help to build a strong case and fight for their rights. A vehicle accident attorney in St Louis MO can provide legal assistance to those who, in one way or another, are suffering the consequences of others' decision to abandon a vehicle on or near their property.

Powell Law Firm's reliable and experienced lawyers have enough knowledge and expertise to handle such cases and help victims find a favorable solution. Anyone who needs help with similar circumstances or have specific concerns such as if running a car on vegetable oil is illegal or if you got into a car accident that is your fault but there's no police report can contact our legal team at (314) 470-1374 and get a free consultation!

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